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Web Address | Organization | Contact |
www.aicvb.org | AICVB Administrative Coordinator Indianapolis CVA 30 S. Meridian Street, Suite 410 Indianapolis, IN 46204 | Cathi Wineland cathiwineland@comca st.net Tel: 317.466.1250 Fax: 317.308.6577 |
www.heartlandspirit.com | Anderson/Madison Co. CVB 6335 S. Scatterfield Rd. Anderson, IN 46013 800.533.6569 | Ralph Day [email protected] Maureen Lambert mlambert@heartlands pirit.com Tel: 765.643.5633 Fax: 765.643.9083 |
www.visitbloomington.com | Bloomington/Monroe Co. CVB 2855 N. Walnut St. Bloomington, IN 47404 800.800.0037 | Mike McAfee [email protected] Laura Newton laura@visitbloomingto n.com Tel: 812.334.8900 Fax: 812.334.2344 |
www.boonecvb.com | Boone County CVB P.O. Box 293 Lebanon, IN 46052 | Kim Kiger [email protected] Tel: 765.436.2909 Fax: 765.436.2447 |
www.browncounty.com | Brown Co. CVB P.O. Box 840 Nashville, IN 47448 800.753.3255 | Jane Ellis [email protected] Tel: 812.988.7303 Fax: 812.988.1070 |
www.visit-casscounty.com | Cass County Visitors Bureau P.O. Box 281, 300 E. Broadway, Suite 103, Logansport, IN 46947 866.753.4856 | Toni Savini [email protected] Tel: 574.753.4856 Fax 574.735.0909 |
www.sunnysideoflouisv ille.org | Clark-Floyd Co. CVB 315 Southern Indiana Ave. Jeffersonville, IN 47130 800.552.3842 | Jim Keith jkeith@sunnysideofloui sville.org Jennifer Abbott Tel: 812.282.6654 Fax: 812.282.1904 |
www.columbus.in.us | Columbus Area CVB 506 5th Street Columbus, IN 47201-6225 800.468.6564 | Lynn Lucas [email protected] Tel: 812.378.2622 Fax: 812.372.7348 |
www.visitsoutheastindi ana.com | Dearborn County CVB 555 Eads Pkwy. E, Ste. 175, Lawrenceburg, IN 47025 800.322.8198 | Debbie Smith dsmith@visitsoutheasti ndiana.com Tel: 812.537.0814 Fax: 812.537.0845 |
www.visitgreensburg.com | Decatur Co. Tourism 232 N. Franklin St. PO Box 345, Greensburg, IN 47240 877-883-5447 | Melanie Maxwell melanie@visitgreensb urg.com Tel: 812.222.8733 Fax: 812.222.8734 |
www.dekalbcvb.org | Dekalb County Visitor Bureau P.O. Box 430 Auburn, IN 46706 877.833.3282 | Richard Martin [email protected] Alyce Schnelker Tel: 260.927.1499 Fax: 260.927.1599 |
www.visitduboiscounty.com | Dubois Co. Visitors Center 2704 Newton Street Jasper, IN 47546 800.968.4578 | Kristen Ruhe kruhe@visitduboiscoun ty.com Tel: 812.482.9115 Fax: 812.481.2809 |
www.amishcountry.org | Elkhart Co. CVB 219 Caravan Dr. Elkhart, IN 46514 800.262.8161 | Diana Lawson FCDME [email protected] Tel: 574.262.8161 Fax: 574.262.3925 |
www.evansvillecvb.org | Evansville CVB 401 S.E. Riverside Dr. Evansville, IN 47713 800.433.3025 | Marilee Fowler [email protected] Tel: 812.421.2200 Fax: 812.421.2207 |
www.visitfortwayne.com | Fort Wayne/Allen Co. CVB 1021 S. Calhoun St. Fort Wayne, IN 46802 800.767.7752 | Dan O’Connell, CAE [email protected] Lacey Anderson [email protected] Tel: 260.424.3700 Fax: 260.424.3914 |
www .franklincountyin.com | Franklin County CRV P.O. Box 97 Brookville, IN 47012 | JoAnn Prickel [email protected] Tel: 765-647-6522 Fax 765-647-6522 |
www.hamiltoncountyto wns.com | Hamilton Co. CVB 37 E. Main St. Carmel, In 46032 800.776.8687 | Brenda Myers bmyers@hamiltoncoun tytowns.com Karen Radcliff kradcliff@hamiltoncoun tytowns.com Tel: 317.848.3181 Fax: 317.848.3191 |
www.thisisindiana.org | Harrison Co. CVB 310 N. Elm St. Corydon, IN 47112 888.738.2137 | Jim Epperson jepperson@thisisindia na.org Sherry Watson [email protected] Tel: 812.738.2138 Fax: 812.738.3609 |
www.tourhendrickscou nty.com | Hendricks Co. CVB 8 West Main St. Danville, IN 46122 800.321.9666 | Emory Lencke Jamie Bohler Smith info@tourhendrickscou nty.com Tel: 317.718.8750 Fax: 317.718.9913 |
www.henrycountyin.org | Henry Co. CVB 2020 S. Memorial Dr., Ste I New Castle, IN 47362 800.676.4302 | Susie Thompson [email protected] Tel: 765.593.0764 Fax: 765.593.0766 |
www.visithuntington.org | Huntington Co. VCB 407 N. Jefferson St. Huntington, IN 46750 800.848.4262 | Rose Meldrum rmeldrum@visithunting ton.org Nina Renz Tel: 260.359.8687 Fax: 260.359.9754 |
www.indy.org | Indianapolis CVA One RCA Dome, Suite 100 Indianapolis, IN 46225 800.323.4639 | Don Welsh, President & CEO [email protected] James Wallis [email protected] Tel: 317.639.4282 Fax: 317.639.5273 |
www.jacksoncountyin.com | Jackson Co. VC P.O. Box 607 North Broadway Seymour , Indiana 47274 888.524.1914 | Tina M. Stark [email protected] Jane Hays [email protected] Tel: 812.524.1914 Fax: 812.524.1915 |
www.visitjaycounty.com | Jay County Tourism 118 S. Meridian St. Suite C Portland, IN 47371 877.726.4481 | Gyneth Augsburger [email protected] Tel: 260.726.3366 Fax: 260.726.3372 |
www.kokomo-in.org | Kokomo/Howard Co. CVB 1504 Reed Rd. Kokomo, IN 46901 800.837.0971 | Peggy Hobson [email protected] Kim Mills Tel: 765.457.6802 Fax: 765.457.1572 |
www.koscvb.org | Kosciusko Co. CVB 111 Capital Dr. Warsaw, IN 46582 800.800.6090 | Mary Kittrell [email protected] Tel: 574.269.6090 Fax: 574.269.2405 |
www.HomeOfPurdue.com | Lafayette/West Lafayette CVB 301 Frontage Rd. Lafayette, IN 47905 800.872.6648 | Jo Wade FCDME [email protected] Lisa Morrow Tel: 765.447.9999 Fax: 765.447.5062 |
www.backroads.org | LaGrange Co. CVB 440 1/2 S. Van Buren St. Shipshewana, IN 46565 800.254.8090 | [email protected] Tel: 260.768.4008 Fax: 260.768.4091 |
www.lakecountycvb.com | Lake Co. CVB 7770 Corinne Dr. Hammond, IN 46323 800.255.5253 | Speros A. Batistatos, FCDME [email protected] Tel: 219.989.7770 Fax: 219.989.7777 |
www.visitlaportecounty.com | LaPorte Co. CVB 1503 S. Meer Rd. Michigan City, IN 46360 800.634.2650 | Jack Arnett Jack@LaporteCountyC VB.Com Linda Simmons [email protected] Tel: 219.872.5055 Fax: 219.872.3660 |
Last Update 01/21/09
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