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The AICVB Organization and Leadership
The vision of the AICVB is to be a proactive and influential group dedicated to the profession of destination marketing and leadership within the State of Indiana. We are the trade association advocating tourism investment and promotion as economic development. Our association is highly effective in providing member-acclaimed programs centered on professional development and CVB accreditation, government/community relations, and partnership marketing and research. As a professionally staffed, well funded and member inclusive organization, the AICVB is the premier state CVB association in the United States of America
In order to achieve this organizational vision, the mission of the AICVB is an the official trade organization dedicated to the profession of tourism destination marketing and leadership within economic growth of meetings, corporate and leisure travel through member bureaus’ partnership efforts. By offering professional development and educational certification, organizational accreditation, government/community relations advocacy and destination marketing programs, the AICVB enhances tourism industry development and the quality of life for both visitors and residents.
The Association has five working committees and the ICVBA. The Executive Leadership Committee comprises five elected positions and reports to the full membership of the Association through the President. Each subsequent committee has a chair and co-chair, with the latter as a selected member of the Executive Leadership Committee. Committees report directly to the Executive Leadership Committee and are assisted in their activities by volunteer members of the Association. The ICVBA is a wholly-owned entity of AICVB and is governed by a Commission, under the auspices of Executive Leadership Committee. The Association is supported by an administrative coordinator under contract who reports to the President.

To convene regular association meetings and act as a clearinghouse for the sharing of ideas for the successful management and operation of member CVBs.
To provide professional development opportunities at regular association meetings and the Annual Conference featuring advice and training from practitioners, academicians, and prominent business leaders.
To provide the opportunity for association members to participate in the accreditation and advisory programming offered by the ICVBA.
To develop and advocate policy positions on relevant CVB and destination management issues, including value and importance of the industry to all affected constituencies, and particularly to various levels of government.
To undertake with respective government authorities and private sector partnerships, the research and marketing of the Indiana visitor destination.
To provide forums to network with peers and associates, and benefit from the ability to share industry specific news, needs, and resources.
To ensure an enhanced and consistent level of funding to meet all requirements and operate annually on a financially sound basis.
To lead and manage a well-focused governing organization with professional staff.